Eagle Facts

Eagles are a bird that is represented around the world as a symbol of power, grace and even freedom.

Interesting facts about eagles:

There are over sixty different eagle species.

  • Eagles are a bird of prey but actually differ from many other species. They are large in size and have a sturdier head, beak and overall build. Many eagles are actually bigger than other types of birds of prey (also known as raptors).
  • The design of the eyes of eagles are very large when compared to the size of their heads and their pupils are extremely large. Eagles see five main colors, whereas humans see only three. They have keen eyesight due to the extreme design of their eyes that contain many more light-sensitive cells than the human eye.



While eagles typically lay two eggs, only one chick usually survives as the bigger and older child often kills the younger one without the intervention of the adult.

  • Eagles can be incredibly large and strong. The Philippine Eagle and Harpy Eagle have wings spans that can equal 2.5m and they use their strong sharp talons to carry off prey that can be as big as monkeys or deer.
  • The Golden Eagles in Greece eat turtles. They have a unique method of opening their shells by carrying them into the air and then dropping them on rocks.
  • Almost all types of eagles are carnivorous (meat eaters), however the African Vulturine Fish-Eagle mostly eats palm fruits and is considered a vegetarian.



Eagles develop based on the habitat that they survive in. There are some eagles that have long tails and short wings that allows them to hunt in confined tight forests while others have long broad wings and shorter tails that give them the ability to fly high above water and open plains.

  • Wyoming’s Golden eagles have been seen looking for food in areas that expand over one hundred square miles.
  • The ancient Aztec civilization believed that when an eagle landed on a spot that was the location to build their city.
  • Eagles defend their territory in a voracious manner. They will often be putting on spectacular displays that include low swoops and even horrible dogfights in which the two birds will lock talons, waiting in a free fall until one lets go.

Native Americans had a tradition of giving eagle feathers to people that were not members of their tribe if they deemed them worthy of an honor.